The Bible Doesn’t Say That: You Can’t Judge My Lifestyle We continue our series titled: ‘The Bible Doesn’t Say That’. Today’s message can be a bit controversial. The topic & phrase is a very hot-button topic that is thrown around by unbelievers & believers alike. Are Christians allowed to judge other people and their actions, words, & lifestyles? What does the Bible say about ‘judging’ others? Today’s message in this series is: ‘you can’t judge me or my lifestyle”
Read MoreHappy Mother’s Day. Our guest speaker this morning is Meghan Isaacs, & she is going to talk about 2 ladies that are mentioned only one time in the Old Testament. Most people would not know who they were in a game of Bible trivia, but God used these 2 ladies very powerfully to fulfill His plan. We can all be challenged and learn something from the example of these 2 almost overlooked ladies. Be encouraged today, God uses our weaknesses for His glory.
Read MorePastor Greg continues his new series called: “The Bible Doesn’t Say That” by talking about a very controversial doctrine that is being taught in churches today. This doctrine states: “Every Christian should be ‘healthy, wealthy, & wise….er, comfortable”. Does the Bible really teach this or does the Word of God instruct us in a different way? The Apostle Paul answers this question in his letter to Timothy and to the Philippian church.
Read MoreToday we start a new series about phrases we think are in the Bible but are actually not. So we will examine what God’s Word actually says.
Read MoreBe A Good Reflection
This morning we talk about THE LIGHT!!!! There are 2 important things about light: 1-it dispels the darkness around it, and 2- it reflects off of other objects. We can learn a very valuable spiritual lesson regarding THE LIGHT, Jesus Christ and what it means for us today.
Read MoreFearfully & Wonderfully Made
This morning we unpack a very popular and well known Scripture: Psalm 139:14. This verse has been quoted often, but today we dive deeper into the context of what it truly means to be wonderfully made AND fearfully made at the same time. We typically understand what being ‘wonderfully made’ means, but we don’t often think about the flipside of that phrase: being ‘fearfully’ made. The psalmist gives us a stark reminder with that phrase and it is a very important one indeed.
Read MoreGod’s Attitude Towards Us
Sometimes life gets us down and we get hard on ourselves. There are many times in our journey of faith as a disciple of Jesus that we get the ‘spiritual blues’ and experience ‘spiritual Mondays’. When this happens we can sort of forget how God truly feels about us. Our enemy also wants us to have a distorted view of how God truly feels about us. We learn the truths of God’s feelings towards us from the Old Testament prophet Zephaniah. When we know these truths, they can be anchors for our souls.
Read MoreEaster 2024: The ‘Pangs’ Are Loosed
CHRIST IS RISEN!!! Today’s message expounds on super profound words from the Apostle Peter in Acts 2:24. Death could not hold Christ down. Christ faced death and conquered it we are are promised that we will too. God loosened the pangs of death and now, everyday for the believer in Christ, IS RESURRECTION DAY!!!
Read MoreOur Mercy Seat
Today is Palm Sunday and we are going to focus on Jesus & the Cross. There are many problems in our society today that can be blamed on all types of things, but there is actually one problem behind it all: our sin. God has a solution for this problem and it’s the propitiation of Jesus Christ. Jesus has become our ‘mercy seat’ where we can meet with God.
Read MoreSpring Cleaning
Spring cleaning is upon us!!! Most people feel the urge to clean the house, clean the garage, & clean the yard every spring. Clean up the place and throw things away, repair things that need to be fixed, & not plateau or get settled with the mundane. Most people like a clean house. This can apply to us spiritually as well. We need to spiritually ‘clean the house’ often. ‘Spiritual cleanliness is next to Godliness”. Today we look at what God’s Word says about this topic.
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Read More'Hello, My Name is: God : ‘Jehovah-Shammah' Part 2
This morning Pastor Greg discusses: Jehovah-Shammah, Part 2. This message references an eternal aspect of the truth of the meaning of Jehovah-Shammah. Pastor Greg dives into the eternal inheritance of what is waiting for those who put their trust in Jesus Christ and believe on Him for salvation. When we hold to the truths about our future found in Scripture, it can help us through any test & trial that we might face.
Creek notes are available on our website under the Live-now tab
Read More'Hello, My Name is: God : ‘Jehovah-Shammah'
This morning Pastor Greg closes out our 'Hello, My Name Is: God" series by talking about the last revealed name of God in the Old Testament. Although it is the last name revealed in the Old Testament, the truth of this characteristic of God has been there since the very beginning and it is a truth that we can hold onto even now and going into our eternal future. Today we discuss: Jehovah-Shammah.
Creek notes are available on our website under the Live-now tab
Read More'Hello, My Name is: God : Jehovah Rohi'
Today we find one of the names of God from one of the most popular and well-known verses in the Bible. This verse has brought a great amount of comfort and strength to many people for many years. Today we talk about Jehovah Rohi as we unpack the 23 Psalm.
Read More'Hello, My Name is: God : Jehovah Tsidkenu'
Good morning, today Pastor Jonathan talks about Jehovah-Tsidkenu in our “Hello, My Name Is: God’ message series. This name was revealed to the Old Testament character Jeremiah and we learn that our righteousness comes only from God and not from anything we do.
Read More'Hello, My Name is: God : Jehovah Shalom'
Good morning, today Pastor Greg talks about Jehovah-Shalom in our “Hello, My Name Is: God’ message series. This name was revealed to the Old Testament character Gideon and we learn that we can be a lot like him in our lives: full of excuses and complaints. We all need peace in our lives and hearts, but true and lasting peace can only be found in the person of Jesus Christ
Creek notes are available on our website under the Live-now tab
Read MoreThis morning Pastor Greg unveils another revealed name of God. This one is found in the Old Testament Book of Leviticus and deals with a subject that some do not seem to want to talk about. The subject of sanctification and being holy strikes hard against our flesh, yet this is a very important element that has to be in every believer’s life. We are called by God Himself to be holy like He is holy. This morning we unpack the name of God: Jehovah M’Kadesh.
Read More'Hello, My Name is: God : Jehovah-Nissi'
We continue our series on the various names of God by talking about Jehovah-Nissi, the Lordis my banner. Banners or standards were historically very significant in times of conflict and battle. They were where the soldiers or troops would rally behind and seeing them would give them courage because they were reminded who they were fighting for. We can even say that it was their identity on the battlefield. We are fighting a war in 2 fronts spiritually, and we have a banner that we run to and rally behind. His name is Jehovah-Nissi.
Read MoreJanuary 21th, 2024 | Hello, My Name is: God | Exodus 15:22-27
'Hello, My Name is: God : Jehovah-Rapha'
Today we talk about the subject of healing by learning about the revealed name of God: Jehovah-Rapha. The Israelites learned that God was their healer by encountering a very discouraging circumstance in Exodus 15:22-27. God had just miraculously delivered them from Egyptian bondage and miraculously saved them at the Red Sea and now God was going to teach them a lesson regarding healing. Jehovah-Rapha STILL HEALS TODAY. There is a condition though: we are to be HIS.
Read More'Hello, My Name is: God : Jehovah-Jireh'
Today Pastor Greg begins to talk about the compound-covenant names of God. These names
are very personal and relational to His children. This morning we unpack a theme that hits hard against our human nature & pride: surrender. We see this word and attitude exemplified in the lives of the Israelite patriarch Abraham & his son Isaac in Genesis 22. We pray that you are challenged by today’s message
Creek notes are available on our website under the Live-now tab
Read More'Hello, My Name is: God : El Shaddai'
We jump back into discussing the various names that God has revealed Himself to us in Scripture today. Today Pastor Greg will be talking about the name: El Shaddai and what that means for us today. God has a plan for each and every one of our lives, and El Shaddai will make sure that plan happens and He will fulfill every promise that He has made to us. He is almighty and sufficient. This is an appropriate message for a new year or a time of renewal in your life.
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