UPDATE August 2021/May 2022

in light of this pandemic that continues in various ways….we ask of you:

1. Love one another as Christ has loved you. We leave ‘masking’ up to each individual and family.

2. To operate in all things & in attendance be willing to give an extra portion of grace, mercy and forgiveness to those around you. Do not make ANYONE feel judged, you don’t know their journey, love them.

3. As always, if you or a family member are feeling ill, please participate with us at our weekend service by attending our ‘online campus’ and joining us on our livestream [and please comment and let us know you were with us].
4. Pray. Pray for your elders, your life group, your pastor and our friends and family.

Remember, God does not give us a spirit of fear! Not fear of a virus or a vaccine, or anything in between!

We love you and will continue to meet together as God tells us. If you have questions, contact the elders anytime.

Update May 2021

We are meeting in person at 9:16am every Sunday.

If you are fully vaccinated, masks are not required.

If you are not vaccinated, we encourage you to take this step to help our community and we recommend you continue to wear your mask to and from your seat.

Children are not required to wear masks, and teachers who have been vaccinated are not required to wear masks.

If you are feeling ill, as always, please take care of yourself and do not attend.

We will continue streaming the service weekly from Youtube and our website.

Update March 2021

Dear Creekers,

We want to thank you for your faithfulness and sticking with us during this difficult time. Here are several updates regarding worship and continuing to meet together as a church.


In Person Worship gatherings happen each Sunday morning at 9:16am (see more details below) We will continue to digitally stream our full worship service and message every Sunday morning on youtube and osocreek.org.


LifeGroups Continue - Visit osocreek.org/lifegroups to see our Lifegroups that are meeting both in person and online. If you would like help to connect to a Lifegroup, go to the Lifegroup page.


In Person Youth Ministry - each Wednesday at the Fellowship of Oso Creek building. 

 We want you to know that we are taking every precaution During this time.

  • If you are considered high risk or immunocompromised, we want to encourage you to stay home and take advantage of Oso Online and our live-stream service.

  • If you are not immunocompromised or high risk, we encourage you to come and fellowship with us as we dive into God’s Word on Sunday morning.


  • We are only meeting in ONE SERVICE at 9:16am.


  • We are asking people to wear masks in the building until seated.  



    We have our Oso Kids Classrooms open for children from birth - 5th grade.  We are looking for more volunteers so if you are willing to serve in our Oso Kids ministry let stacy@osocreek.org know. Volunteers are also needed elsewhere as well, so please contact a staff member or an elder if you would like to serve in any ministry.

    Some things to know about for our kids classrooms: 

    • Our teachers will be wearing masks in the classrooms at all times, 

    • We will not be serving snacks so please feed your children before dropping them off in the classrooms,  

    • Hand washing or sanitizing will be happening upon entry into each classroom, 

    • No outside toys will be allowed in the classrooms

  • We will be sanitizing surfaces, classrooms, and bathrooms before and after each service.

  • ANYONE EXHIBITING ANY SYMPTOMS SHOULD STAY HOME and take advantage of Oso Online and our live-stream service.

Thank you for understanding that these are unique and unprecedented times we find ourselves in.  Please pray for wisdom for the future.  

It is our intent to continue to serve our neighbors and community in this season. In a time like this, Christian love and service looks less like fearful self-preservation and more like servanthood. Wash hands, for sure, but remember that we are called to wash feet. (John 13:1-17)