Dear Pastor,
I am Terry Ray, Lead Pastor of Living Word Church of Corpus Christi. Pastor Matt Brennan, with Fellowship of Oso Creek and I have been discussing a way to celebrate Easter that would accomplish a couple things.
Give our families an activity that they can participate in during Holy Week that will be unique, impactful and draw them closer to the story of God’s Gift to us, at the same time providing an environment for those that have compromised immune systems to safely join in and be a part of our worship experience. Provide an opportunity for the churches in Corpus Christi to be United in Christ and model for the nation (and the world) that Christians don’t’ focus on our differences, but on what we all have in common…Jesus!
Here is what we came up with and why I am writing to you!
We would request two easy things from you: Allow us to place an Easter Egg sign on your church property with a QR code that will take the participants to a video devotional about a portion of the Easter Story (Listed below). We would love to have you or one of your ministry team members create a devotional video (under 10 minutes) on Triumphal Entry to be played when families arrive at your “Egg”. We would encourage you to spend 30 seconds introducing yourself and then jump right into the Devotional! The end of the video we will give them the directions to the next “Egg” and another video devotion from another pastor here in Corpus Christi. Encourage your members and community to participate during Holy Week (Monday March 29-April 3rd).
The last ‘egg’ will instruct the participants to connect with their pastor and continue this journey on Resurrection Sunday at their church! It will also invite those that currently do not attend church, to choose a church from our project to attend on Easter Sunday.
I would like to address the biggest obstacle to churches participating ‘across the lines’ so to speak. This is nothing more than an attempt to bring us closer as the Body of Christ and allow our families to participate in a Christ community event to bring attention to Resurrection Sunday.
As an officer and Pastor in The Salvation Army for 25 years I was not considered a ‘threat’ to other pastors or churches, but I did speak with many who were concerned about doing anything with others in the faith community because of the fear of proselytizing or ‘sheep rustling’ for you native Texans. Do people ‘church hop’? Do individuals sometimes encourage members to leave their church home and join another…yes, it happens. But that is not the intent of this event. That is the reason we are inviting YOU to create a video devotional for their ‘egg’. We want it to be presented as the Body of Christ coming together to celebrate a better way to live! United in Christ is more than just a cute slogan. We as Ambassadors of Christ, should model unity, family, and fellowship to the world, and it is obvious we need that today!
We hope you will join us and make this the beginning of a great movement of God within the Body of Churches here in the Body of Christ!
Blessings and Peace,
Terry & Matt
Agree to participate (let me know by March 15th):
Recording a 10 min (or less) devotional about Triumphal Entry on YouTube (for universal formatting).
With a 30 second intro, if you would like!
Send the link to
That is it!
Once you have recorded and sent the video, I will have some smart tech guys put the codes, websites and other techie things together and send you the details!
If you have questions or need help, do not hesitate to text, or call me @ 361-558-2514 or email at
Triumphal Entry (Matt.21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-40, John 12:12-19)
Jesus in The Garden (Matt. 26:36-56, Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:39-46, John 18:1)
Jesus Arrested (Matt. 26:47-50, Mark 14:43-46, Luke 22:47-49, John 18:1-13)
Jesus Carries the Cross (Matt. 27:31-33, Mark 15:20-22, Luke 23:26-32, John 19:16-18)
Simon Bears His Cross (Matthew 27:32; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26)
Jesus is Crucified (Matthew 27:27-44; Mark 15:16-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:16-27)
Breakfast on the Sea of Galilee Matthew 8:23–27, Mark 4:35–41, Luke 8:22–25
Jesus Ascends (Luke 24:50–51 and Acts 1:9–11)