Each summer thousands of Gulf Arabs go to London for vacation. Most of them have never heard the truth about Jesus. While it is illegal to evangelize or distribute Bibles in the home countries of most of these Arabs, summertime in London provides the opportunity to share Jesus and His Word with them. London Bridges is an outreach that is participated in by believers from all over the world and Oso is taking a team this summer!
June 27-July 6, 2025 Est. Cost - $1400 + airfare
If you are interested in being a part of the team, please let us know because the deadline is Feb. 26. To apply to be a participant in London Bridges 2025, click here.
Questions: email Elizabeth, admin@osocreek.org
Prayer is important work and everyone who prays to the Father for this trip is an important part of the team. The team going is requested to have 100 prayer partners to pray as we prepare and while we are in London, so we need many people on the prayer team!
Sign up to be a part of the prayer team here!
It costs money to fly overseas and stay in one of the most expensive cities in the world, though this mission trip is less expensive than traveling to the countries we will be sharing the gospel with. Instead, many people will meet in a central location-London, and we will be there to spread God’s word with them there! If you would like to donate to help the team financially, please donate here (choose Fund: London Bridges Mission Trip) or you can give a check at any time at Oso Creek Church (London Bridges on the memo line). Thanks!
Stay tuned for details about an Afternoon Tea fundraiser!