Pastor’s Corner

Happy Mother’s Day to the Mother’s Day to all of our moms!! We celebrate you if you are a natural mother, a foster/adoptive mother, a step-mother, a grandmother, even SPIRITUAL MOTHERS!!! Thank-you for all that you do day in and day out. Thank-you for discipling those under your care and helping them grow. Thank-you for reflecting Jesus Christ in your life. We are also reminded that today could be a difficult day for those in attendance due to various reasons relating to mothers day. God bless you and may His peace & comfort surround your heart & life this morning.

   I’m excited that my wife Meghan is speaking today. I know that you will be blessed, challenged, & encouraged by her message. She is going to talk about 2 ladies that are mentioned only one time in the Old Testament. Most people would not know who they were in a game of Bible trivia, but God used these 2 ladies very powerfully to fulfill His plan. God bless you all!! Let’s allow God to speak to us, change us, & grow us to be more like Christ in every part of our lives.

Let’s keep growing HIS KINGDOM,
Pastor Greg c[_]

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